| 1. | Agricultural information standardization - digital agriculture basis 数字农业的基础 |
| 2. | Research on information standardization of logistics 物流信息标准化的研究 |
| 3. | On accounting information standardization in listed companies 上市公司会计信息规范探究 |
| 4. | Analyzing on the information standardization in chinese publishing society 再论网络环境下整合我国书目信息的问题 |
| 5. | Probing into erp technology and information standardization of modern shipbuilding industry 技术及信息标准化问题的探讨 |
| 6. | Thinking from international cooperation : study on information standardization of traditional medicine 有关传统医学信息标准化国际合作研究的思考 |
| 7. | The description and integration of information standardization is namely semantic analysis to informational description 信息规范化描述与集成就是对信息描述形式进行语义分析。 |
| 8. | And at last we build a natural language understanding system - the aircraft maintenance information standardization system 初步实现了一个自然语言理解系统? ?机务信息规范化系统。 |
| 9. | Then the useful ways are analyzed by which they can obtain technology , management and decision support in the process of operating the new model . its main content includes : ( 1 ) to achieve the finance integration based on the information standardization and reorganization of information systems on numerical campus with " all - in - one card " ; ( 2 ) to make overall budget management and control and establish a centralized system around finance within intranet systems ; ( 3 ) to get a dynamic capital control with an intensive financial center in order to improve their efficiencies and avoid possible risks ; ( 4 ) to build a performance evaluation and decision support system and help managers make better decisions by assessing and comparing their operational process 然后从四个方面较为深入地探索了使高校财务管理迎接挑战,实现新模式运作的技术支持、管理与决策支持的实施途径,具体包括:实现财务业务一体化,即通过数字化校园及校园“一卡通”的建设实现校园信息的标准化和高校管理信息系统的整合;实现高校全面预算管理和控制,通过网络财务系统的建设,实现以预算管理为核心的财务集中管理;实现高校资金动态集中控制,即通过集约型资金管理结算中心的建设,达到对资金动态集中管理、提高资金使用效益、有效防范资金风险的目的;建立绩效评价和决策支持系统,即通过绩效测评、比较和分析,把脉高校运营和管理,支持领导决策。 |
| 10. | Pdm system can solve the problems of product data management , but the study of standardization of the product information source is rare , this paper , from the standardization of the information source , based on the analysis of main model , file naming , environment settings etc . presents the data creation standard , and implemented it as a system called ucdcs ( ug china data creation standard ) using the developing tool ug / openapi on the ug system , its using indicates that the standardization of cad data can make the data exchanging easier , information standardization can be a good foundation of pdm implementation Pdm系统解决了产品数据管理的问题,但是对数据源的规范化却缺乏研究,本文本着信息源的规范化,从主模型、文件命名、属性输入和重用、深度备份、参考集和图层等环境设置方面出发,研究了产品数据的规范化,提出了数据创建标准,并在ug系统上使用ug openapi开发了ug规范化应用软件ucdcs ( ugchinadatacreationstandard ) 。企业的应用实践表明,规范cad数据的生成,既保证了设计各阶段数据的全相关、共享,也保证了主模型的安全,方便设计人员间cad数据的交换,提高了cad数据共享程度和cad软件使用水平,为pdm系统的有效实施规范了基础数据。 |